About us

The Italian Association for Science and Technology was founded in 1962 as Italian Association of Vacuum (AIV) to spread in Italy the scientific and technologic knowledge about vacuum techniques, surfaces, materials, electronic processes, thin films and plasma science.
Since the beginning one of the main characteristics of AIV has been to be a point of reference for the industrial world and the academic world.

The goal has been to facilitate the collaborations between associates so as to sustain common interests both at the national and international level
Starting first January 2008, the association changed its name in Italian Association for Science and Technology (AIV) and it also changed its goals.

The new goal became the diffusion of scientific and technological knowledge in the various scientific and application fields linked to materials, processes, devices and new technologies that require the vacuum.
With this change the focus has shifted from 'the vacuum' as such, to the sectors and technologies that use the vacuum. This decision was motivated by two important reasons. The first one is that with the development of science, the use of vacuum techniques wasn’t limited only to vacuum’s applications, but they were used in many different contexts, as for example the microelectronic and the energy sector.

These different uses testify the importance of vacuum as a requirement in the modern sciences, but at the same way they implicate the existence of many applications of vacuum and in the most cases these applications are very different between them.
Consequently, the focus was changed so that the association could help the associates in their specific sectors.
The second reason is linked to the strong acceleration that has occurred in recent years in many scientific and technological sectors, such as the nanotechnologies and the energy sector. As a matter of fact, a multidisciplinary knowledge is needed to operate successfully in a complex and quickly changing reality, then the old organization of the association was not enough anymore.

The mission of the new association is to promote the collaborations between the industries, the universities and the research centers. In order to fulfill this mission, the association organizes many events every year like training courses on different arguments and workshops. Every two year a national conference is organized to discuss the news about the topics of interest.

IUVSTA is an international federation of national vacuum organizations established to promote vacuum science and technology on an international level. It is headquartered in Belgium, and there are currently 30 countries representing more than 15000 physicists, chemists, materials scientists, engineers and technologists who are linked through their common use of vacuum.
They are active in basic and applied research, development, manufacturing, sales and education.
 Its major event is the Triennial International Vacuum Congress / International Conference on Solid Surfaces hosted by the various member countries. The IUVSTA is a Scientific Associate of the International Council of Scientific Unions, and has a category C liaison with UNESCO.

The society has been very active in IUVSTA partecipating to the activities and supporting the organisation structure of the Union. It presented two bids for the IVC organisation: the first in 1998 with the successful candidacy of Venice for the IVC16, the latter, not successful, in 2013 presenting Genova as the venue for the IVC19.
AIV contributed to IUVSTA several officers: two Presidents (Ugo Valbusa 2004-2007 and Mariano Anderle 2013-2016), three Scientific Directors (Ugo Valbusa 1995-2001, Massimo Sancrotti 2001-2004 and Mariano Anderle 2007-2010) and two Scientific Secretaries (Ugo Valbusa 1992-1995 and Massimo Sancrotti 1998-2001).

In the last twenty years a relevant number of responsibilities inside of Scientific Division Committees and Executive Council Committees of IUSTA have been assigned to AIV members: Chair of Congress Planning Committee (Massimo Sancrotti, Mariano Anderle and Fabio Mazzolini), Chair of Vacuum Division (Fabio Mazzolini), vice-Chair of Applied Surface Science Division (Mariano Anderle), Chair of Thin Film Division (Alberto Tagliaferro and Francesco Fracassi), Chair of Long Range Planning Committee (Mariano Anderle and Ugo Valbusa), Chair of Biointerfaces Division (Giacomo Ceccone).

Nominations AIV for the IUVSTA Divisions

Division Italian candidate
Applied Surface Science Francesco Ghezzi – IFP-CNR
Electronic Materials & Processes Sergio Ferrero – Politecnico of Torino
Nanometer Science Andrea Lamberti – Politecnico of Torino
Plasma Science and Technology Antonella Milella - University of Bari
Surface Engineering Enza Fazio - University of Messina
Surface Science Mario Rocca – Università di Genova
Thin Film Silvia Maria Deambrosis - ICMATE Padova
Vacuum Science and Technology Giuseppe Firpo - University of Genova
Biointerfaces Principia Dardano - ISASI-CNR, Napoli

The Division


The Bio-interfaces division focuses on the applications linked with the fabrication, characterization and applications of biomaterials, bio-interfaces, biosensors, non-fouling materials, cells and tissues.
Common themes of the division include: 

Innovative surface analysis methods in bio-interfacial systems     
Materials in biological systems     
Biology at the nanoscale and imaging modalities     
Protein-surface, cell-surface and microbial-surface interactions     
Biosensor, bioassay and biotechnology interfaces     
Colloidal, particle and bio-membrane systems     
Artificial biosystems: tissues, drug delivery systems, and cellular networks     
Bio-inspired materials and biomimicry     

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The energy division deals the development and the production of energy through technologies of renewable sources.
Common themes include:

energy production systems by renewable sources (solar radiation and biomasses)     
termonuclear fusion energy     

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Materials science

The Materials Division deals with the materials science and the technology of modifying and improving the properties of materials. It focuses on preparation and deposition techniques and on the study of the electrical and mechanical properties of materials like for example metals, ceramics and polymers. A focus is dedicated entirely at the additive manufacturing. Common themes of the division are:

Carbon based thin films, Polymeric and organic thin films, Organic/inorganic composite thin films     
Oxide, nitride, carbide and other compound thin films     
Metal and alloy film     
Ceramics thin film     
Thin films for electronics, optics and optoelectronics     
Thin films and structures for magnetic and magnetoelectronic applications     
Thin films for energy harvesting and storage     
Protective thin films and coatings     

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The nanotechnology division provides a forum for those interested in the entire range of nanotechnologies.
Common themes are:

Nano-scale characterization and fabrication techniques     
Nanomechanics, nanomanipulation and fluidics     
0D - 1D nanostructures growth, analysis and applications     
2D materials growth, analysis and applications     
Nanocomposites growth, analysis and applications     

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The Bio-interfaces division focuses on the applications linked with the fabrication, characterization and applications of biomaterials, bio-interfaces, biosensors, non-fouling materials, cells and tissues.
Common themes of the division include: 

Innovative surface analysis methods in bio-interfacial systems     
Materials in biological systems     
Biology at the nanoscale and imaging modalities     
Protein-surface, cell-surface and microbial-surface interactions     
Biosensor, bioassay and biotechnology interfaces     
Colloidal, particle and bio-membrane systems     
Artificial biosystems: tissues, drug delivery systems, and cellular networks     
Bio-inspired materials and biomimicry     

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The energy division deals the development and the production of energy through technologies of renewable sources.
Common themes include:

energy production systems by renewable sources (solar radiation and biomasses)     
termonuclear fusion energy     

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The Materials Division deals with the materials science and the technology of modifying and improving the properties of materials. It focuses on preparation and deposition techniques and on the study of the electrical and mechanical properties of materials like for example metals, ceramics and polymers. A focus is dedicated entirely at the additive manufacturing. Common themes of the division are:

Carbon based thin films, Polymeric and organic thin films, Organic/inorganic composite thin films     
Oxide, nitride, carbide and other compound thin films     
Metal and alloy film     
Ceramics thin film     
Thin films for electronics, optics and optoelectronics     
Thin films and structures for magnetic and magnetoelectronic applications     
Thin films for energy harvesting and storage     
Protective thin films and coatings     

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The nanotechnology division provides a forum for those interested in the entire range of nanotechnologies.
Common themes are:

Nano-scale characterization and fabrication techniques     
Nanomechanics, nanomanipulation and fluidics     
0D - 1D nanostructures growth, analysis and applications     
2D materials growth, analysis and applications     
Nanocomposites growth, analysis and applications     

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Plasma science and technology

The Plasma Science and Technology Division provides a forum for those interested in the entire range of plasma science and technology, extending from fundamental modeling studies to manufacturing applications. Common themes of the division include:

Plasma diagnostics and modeling     
Plasma sources and systems     
Pattern transfer and feature profile evolution     
Plasma deposition including plasma-enhanced ALD     
Low pressure and atmospheric pressure plasma technologies     
Plasma physics, chemistries and processes     
Plasma-enabled new technologies     
Plasma applications in nano and microfabrication     
Surface plasma treatment and plasma-enhanced deposition     
Plasma polymerisation and interaction with polymers     
Plasma for energy, environment and space applications     
Plasma chemistry at liquid-gas interfaces     
Applications of plasma in agriculture and food industry     
Medical and biological applications and decontamination by plasma     

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Surface science

The Surface Science division deals with the materials science and technology of modifying and improving the surface properties of materials for protection in demanding contact conditions or aggressive environments, as well as designing different functionalities with respect to of combination of electrical, optical, thermal, chemical, and biochemical responses, including adaptive and active control of functions. Strategies include both substrate surface modification via plasma, ion-, electron-, laser-beam processes, as well as deposition processes such as physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, spray, sol-gel, etc.
Areas of scientific interest span the full spectrum of fundamental scientific understanding via modeling, synthesis-structure-property-performance relationships, to real-world engineering applications.
The main arguments of the division are:

Chemical reactions on surfaces (adsorption, desorption, catalysis, etching, oxidation and passivation, etc.)     
Surface spectroscopies using ions, electrons or photons     
Growth and physical structure of surfaces and interfaces     
Electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces     
Understanding solid/gas, solid/solid, and solid/liquid interfaces of practical importance     
Analysis of material surfaces, thin films, interphases, and interfaces     
Metals, semiconductors, insulators, polymers, and organics     
Coatings, adhesion, catalysis, corrosion, and wear     
Biomaterials, and self-assembled monolayers     
Surface reactions, and contamination     
Surface treatments, and decomposition     
Sputtering, and depth profiling     
Quantitative surface, depth, and interface analysis     
Development of reference materials and standards     

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Vacuum technology

The Vacuum Technology represents for AIV one of the fundamental divisions that gave its name since its foundation in 1963. Over the years, the Division of Vacuum Technology has been able to deal with more and more topics in different applications from industrial to academic research. This division deals with the dissemination of the basic concepts of vacuum science and the use and configuration of vacuum systems in the following applications and fields:

Vacuum physics and measurement     
Vacuum pumps and pumping Systems     
Accelerator and Large Vacuum Systems     
Applications of vacuum technology in semiconductor industry, space research, plasma processing, surface science and deposition systems     
Particulate issues in High Vacuum and Ultrahigh Vacuum     
Vacuum Valves, Motion, Load Locks, and components     
Gas Dynamics and Modeling     
Outgassing phenomena and gas species analysis     
Mass spectrometry     

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The Plasma Science and Technology Division provides a forum for those interested in the entire range of plasma science and technology, extending from fundamental modeling studies to manufacturing applications. Common themes of the division include:

Plasma diagnostics and modeling     
Plasma sources and systems     
Pattern transfer and feature profile evolution     
Plasma deposition including plasma-enhanced ALD     
Low pressure and atmospheric pressure plasma technologies     
Plasma physics, chemistries and processes     
Plasma-enabled new technologies     
Plasma applications in nano and microfabrication     
Surface plasma treatment and plasma-enhanced deposition     
Plasma polymerisation and interaction with polymers     
Plasma for energy, environment and space applications     
Plasma chemistry at liquid-gas interfaces     
Applications of plasma in agriculture and food industry     
Medical and biological applications and decontamination by plasma     

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The Surface Science division deals with the materials science and technology of modifying and improving the surface properties of materials for protection in demanding contact conditions or aggressive environments, as well as designing different functionalities with respect to of combination of electrical, optical, thermal, chemical, and biochemical responses, including adaptive and active control of functions. Strategies include both substrate surface modification via plasma, ion-, electron-, laser-beam processes, as well as deposition processes such as physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, spray, sol-gel, etc.
Areas of scientific interest span the full spectrum of fundamental scientific understanding via modeling, synthesis-structure-property-performance relationships, to real-world engineering applications.
The main arguments of the division are:

Chemical reactions on surfaces (adsorption, desorption, catalysis, etching, oxidation and passivation, etc.)     
Surface spectroscopies using ions, electrons or photons     
Growth and physical structure of surfaces and interfaces     
Electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces     
Understanding solid/gas, solid/solid, and solid/liquid interfaces of practical importance     
Analysis of material surfaces, thin films, interphases, and interfaces     
Metals, semiconductors, insulators, polymers, and organics     
Coatings, adhesion, catalysis, corrosion, and wear     
Biomaterials, and self-assembled monolayers     
Surface reactions, and contamination     
Surface treatments, and decomposition     
Sputtering, and depth profiling     
Quantitative surface, depth, and interface analysis     
Development of reference materials and standards     

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The Vacuum Technology represents for AIV one of the fundamental divisions that gave its name since its foundation in 1963. Over the years, the Division of Vacuum Technology has been able to deal with more and more topics in different applications from industrial to academic research. This division deals with the dissemination of the basic concepts of vacuum science and the use and configuration of vacuum systems in the following applications and fields:

Vacuum physics and measurement     
Vacuum pumps and pumping Systems     
Accelerator and Large Vacuum Systems     
Applications of vacuum technology in semiconductor industry, space research, plasma processing, surface science and deposition systems     
Particulate issues in High Vacuum and Ultrahigh Vacuum     
Vacuum Valves, Motion, Load Locks, and components     
Gas Dynamics and Modeling     
Outgassing phenomena and gas species analysis     
Mass spectrometry     

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The association was founded in 1962 when many experts of the vacuum’s sciences felt the need to gather themselves in a community to exchange information about new techniques and to spread knowledge about their works.

The firsts meetings weren’t true conferences because they gathered only few people, but they were mostly forum of discussion. The engineer P. Della Porta was the first president of AIV. He gathered other people to create the association and kick start a number of scientific and informational activities. As a consequence, a group of people, mainly coming from industries, started to write the statute of the association, to promote the first activities and to organize the meetings. 

Since the beginning AIV was a member of FAST( Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche e Tecniche) a big federation of scientific and technical associations. AIV is a member of IUVSTA (International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications). Since the constitution AIV is a no profit association, based on voluntary work of its associates, with the purpose of the promotion and diffusion of vacuum’s applications.
One of the main goals is the organization of training courses and workshop dedicated to young graduates and technicians in order to offer them a way to improve their knowledge or start a new business.
At the top of the organizational structure there is a President chosen among the eleven members of the Board of Directors, who in turn are elected by members of the Association from a list of people known as experts in the various fields of physics, technology and vacuum applications. There is also a vice-president and a secretary, who could also not be an expert of vacuum’s techniques.
From 1968 to 2001 the AIV published the scientific journal "Empty-Science and Technology" containing scientific and technical articles and didactic monographs on specific topics such as, for example, vacuum techniques, the measurement of total and partial pressures, research losses, etc. More recently the following books have been published:

"Metodi per la caratterizzazione chimico-fisica delle superfici"

(Edited by M.Anderle & M.G.Cattania), Patron Editore, Quarto Inferiore (Bologna), 1990.

"Introduzione alla tecnologia del vuoto"

Author: B. Ferrario, 2^ edition by A. Calcatelli), Patron Editore, Quarto Inferiore (Bologna), 1999.

At the international level, various congresses and international workshops have been organised over the years.
This list includes a series of schools on surface science technique applications (ISASST I, II, III, and IV), some European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS 2, 10, 16, 26), several IUVSTA Workshops and IUVSTA Summer Schools, the 2nd European Conference on Vacuum (1990) in Trieste, the 2nd International Conference on Thin Film (1972) in Venice and the International Vacuum Conference 16 held in Venice in June-July 2004.

This Conference represented for AIV the most important and challenging event in its history.
More than 1,800 scientific delegates attended the event and more than 100 commercial boots set up their stands at the joint exhibition


The Association called the Italian Association of Emptiness (A.I.V.) is established with effect from September 12th, 1963 and without limitation of duration. The Association has its headquarters and domicile in Milan at the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations (FAST) in P.le Morandi, 2. With effect from January 1st 2008, the A.I.V., The Italian Vacuum Association, assumes the name of AIV – Italian Association of Science and Technology.

A.I.V., Italian association for science and technology (hereafter named “association”), is a no profit association with a cultural character whose goal is the diffusion in Italy of the scientific and technological knowledge related to the methods of study and development of the vacuum. The Association’s aim is to create a network between associates in order to sustain common interests in the field, both at the national and international level.

The Association pursuits its goals, as per article 2, through the organization of national and international conferences, workshops and training courses about topics of interest. Furthermore, it supports scientific publications.

The members of the Association may be natural or legal persons, Italian or foreign. Each member, regardless of his legal nature, has the right to only one vote in the associative bodies. Legal entities participate in the Association in the person of their legal representative or other person delegated by him. The associative contribution is non-transferable and can not be revalued.

Honorary members may be nominated upon a member's proposal and after the approval of the Board of Directors. They may be natural or legal person, Italian or foreign. In order to be an honorary member, they must have had an important contribute to the development of the science and technology, through studies and publications. Honorary members have the same rights and obligations of the ordinary members, but they are exempts from membership fees and other extraordinary contributions.

Members, who pay annually the integration quote, decided at the beginning of every year with a resolution of the Board of Directors, have the qualification of supporting members

To be admitted as part of the association an application must be submitted to the President; acceptance is subject to approval by the Board of Directors expressed by resolution. The duration of member's qualification is one year, starting from the resolution's date of the Board of Directors. The membership of the Association is considered tacitly renewed upon expiration in the absence of express notice of withdrawal to be sent to the Board of Directors with at least three months' notice.
Each member has the right to withdraw from Association at any time, by sending written communication to the Board of Directors. The withdrawal is considered to be effective from the date of the next resolution signed for acknowledgement from the Board.
The status of member can be revoked after a missed payment of the association's fee for two years in a row or at the death or at the loss of ability to act for the natural people, and at the stop of the activity for legal entities or for manifests unworthiness. The exclusion from Associations happens after a resolution of the Board of Directors.

The members are obliged to observe the rules of this statute and the deliberations issued by the association bodies in accordance with the provisions of law and statuary, and in particular to:

  1. Pay the annual fee in the manner, in terms and to the extent established annually by the Board of Directors, except for the hypothesis under art. 5, paragraph 2;
  2. To maintain a behavior in conformity with the aims of the Association;
  3. Contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals.

All the member have the rights, upon fulfillment of the duties described in the art. 8, paragraph 1, to participate(either directly or indirectly upon delegation) to the congress and to vote for:

  1. approval or modification of the statute;
  2. The nomination of the member of the Board of Directors;
  3. approval of the balance sheet.
Furthermore the members have the rights to:
  • Participate in the activities promoted by the Association;
  • Take advantage of all the services of the Association;
  • Know the programs through which the Association intends to implement the social goals.

The Association's bodies are:

  1. Shareholders’ meeting;
  2. Board of Directors;
  3. The President;
  4. The vice-President;
  5. The Treasurer; 
  6. The administrative secretary;
  7. Board of Auditors.

The shareholders’ meeting is composed by all the members. It gathers itself:

  • once a year in the ordinary way;
  • in the extraordinary way every time the President thinks it's necessary.
The President convenes the shareholders meeting at least 15 days before the date of the meeting through a written communication containing the agenda showing the topics to be discussed. He is obligated to convoke the shareholders' meeting if at least one third of the associates request it through a written communication. In the first convocation the shareholders’ meeting is regularly constituted with the presence of a simple majority of the members present in person or by proxy.
Each shareholder has the right to one vote, subject to the hypothesis of proxies, which, however, can not exceed the number of two per member. The resolutions are adopted by a simple majority of those present and by open vote.
The ordinary shareholders' meeting has the following dues:
  1. elect the members of the Board of Directors;
  2. elect the members of the Board of Auditors;
  3. approve the program of activities proposed by the Council;
  4. approve the budget.
The extraordinary shareholders' meeting deliberates on the modification of the bylaw and on Association's liquidation.

Without prejudice to the provisions of art. 11 and of the art. 13, paragraph 1, the ordinary and extraordinary Assemblies may be replaced by referendums issued by the President, after hearing the opinion of the Board of Directors.
These referendums consist in submitting to each member, through communication to be made by means of the postal service and / or by e-mail, a list of questions written and formulated by the Board of Directors in the approval resolution. Each member expresses his vote by sending to the headquarters of the Association, pursuant to art. 1, the form containing the proposed questions. The above mentioned ballot forms are to be considered valid when received within the terms established for this purpose by the Board of Directors. Proposals that have obtained the favorable vote of more than half plus one of the members who replied are considered approved. The scrutiny of the answers is carried out by the Board of Auditors, supplemented by the Administrative Secretary and extraordinarily by the President of the Association.

The Board of Directors consists of 11 members who remain in office for two years and can be re-elected indefinitely. The Board of Directors is appointed by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting by means of a vote to be made compulsorily according to the procedure set forth in art. 12; in the event of a tie between the number of candidates aspiring to the eleventh seat, the Board of Directors is exceptionally extended to the higher number of members so reached for the duration of its mandate.
The Shareholders’ meeting also appoints three alternate members, who take office in the event of death, withdraw from the Association or other legitimate impediment of one or more members of the Board and retain the status of effective counselors until the expiry of the two-year period or the removal of the impediment.
The Board of Directors appoints the President and the Vice-President of the Association, who assume by right the qualifications of President and Vice-President of the Council; it also appoints, among all the natural partners, the Administrative Secretary and the Treasurer. The Board of Directors meets ordinarily at least every 120 days; extraordinary meetings are also possible called by the Chairman on his own initiative or compulsory on the motivated request of at least three Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for social activities. Without prejudice to what is expressly reserved for other corporate bodies by the present statute, it is invested with all administrative and deliberative powers. The Board meets at the registered office or in any other location indicated by the President. The convening of the Board requires the effective presence or by proxy of the simple majority of the Directors in office. The Board of Directors validly resolves the vote of the simple majority of those present. Each member can present only one proxy.
 At the end of the mandate, the Board of Directors remains in charge for the handling of current affairs until the new elections have taken place and the new Board is set up, which must take place no later than the ninetieth day after the expiry of the mandate.

The President is appointed by the Board of Directors among its members and is invested with the legal representation of the Association in any relationship with third parties and in any judicial initiative.
He also presides the Board of Directors and has the power to order the fulfillment of ordinary or urgent acts. These acts, however, must be subsequently ratified by the Board of Directors; non-ratification must be considered a motion of no confidence pursuant to paragraph 4 below. The President is not eligible for more than two consecutive times and his term is two years. It may also be removed from its position in the event of manifest unworthiness or the fulfillment of acts seriously prejudicial to the interests and purposes of the Association; the motion of no confidence can be proposed by any member of the Board of Directors and must report the favorable vote of at least eight Councilors.

The Vice-President is appointed by the Board of Directors among its members and acts as the President in case of death, removal or other legitimate impediment of the same, remaining in office until the end of the mandate or removal of impediment and exercising all powers described in art. 14.

The Treasurer, appointed by the Board of Directors, administers the economic resources of the Association by investing them in fruit-bearing activities according to the guidelines provided annually by the Council itself. It is required to present accounts of their work at each session of the Board of Directors; this body has the power to review the management it has performed and to revoke its mandate in the cases and according to the forms established by art. 14, last paragraph.

The administrative secretary is appointed by the Board of Directors and among his dues there are:
-draws up and keeps the minutes of the meetings of the collegiate bodies of the Association;
 -prepares the proposed budget and final balance sheet, which it submits to the Board of Directors;
 -takes care of the keeping and the conservation of the accounting documentation of the Association;
 -provides for the collection of revenue and the payment of expenses in accordance with the decisions of the Board of Directors.

The board of Auditors is appointed by the ordinal shareholders' meeting, and it's composed by three members who remain in office for three years and can be re-elected. The Assembly also appoints two Deputy Auditors, who take office in the event of death, withdraw from the Association or other legitimate impediment of one or more members of the Board and retain the status of effective Auditors until the expiry of the three-year period or the removal of the 'impediment.
The auditors control the accounting of the Association and are required to present annually reports on their work to the ordinary shareholders' meeting, with particular reference to the budget and the balance sheet of the Association.

The exercise of the Association runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year. The budget proposal, drafted by the Administrative Secretary pursuant to art. 17, must be approved by the Board of Directors, and subsequently submitted to the approval of the ordinary shareholders' meeting no later than March 31 of each year.

The dissolution of the Association and any modification to the present statute must be approved by the extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting according to the procedures established in art. 11, paragraphs 2 below and in art. 12; however, the secret ballot is prescribed, and the dissolution or amendments are deemed approved if they have expressed a favorable vote at least ¾ of the members present in person or by proxy or voting by means of the postal service and / or e-mail.
Proposals for the dissolution of the Association or modification of the statute can only be presented by the Board of Directors, or at least by twenty members through a written petition addressed to the President. In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Association may be donated for public or charitable purposes or for the benefit of other Associations having similar purposes or cultural characteristics.

In the event of a conflict about the interpretation of the rules of this statute by the members, the opinion of the Board of Directors must be considered binding. For anything not expressly provided for by the present statute, reference should be made to the provisions of the Civil Code and the current special legislation on associations.

Board of Directors



Giuseppe Firpo

Università di Genova

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Giuseppe Firpo, born 01/03/1965 in Genoa and residing there, He graduated in Physics in 1992 from the University of Genoa. At the University of Genoa he holds the position of Adjunct Professor for teaching Physics at the Degree Course in Energy Engineering, and EP (High Professionalism) staff where he uses complex instrumentation for manipulation and analysis of matter at the nanometer level: FIB, SEM, X-Ray Microanalysis. Designs and builds vacuum systems for scientific experiments. Recent activity: permeability study of thin polymer membranes for gas separation. He was a founding member of the Nanomed Spin-Off. He obtained the national scientific qualification as a second-rank professor for the scientific field 02/B1 Experimental Physics of Matter. He has authored 62 scientific publications, with 993 citations and h-index 17, authored 6 patents, and several contributions in conference proceedings. He is a reviewer for several scientific journals Elsevier, MDPI, AIP.


Fabrizio Giorgis

Politecnico di Torino

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Fabrizio Giorgis is Full Professor of Physics of Matter at the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) of the Polytechnic of Turin, where in the recent past he held positions
institutional as Delegate for Research and Technology Transfer; currently he is Deputy Director of DISAT.
F.G. he is currently Italian Councilor IUVSTA (International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications). His research activities consist in the growth and characterization of silicon and carbon based nanostructured materials with physical and chemical-physical methods (in particular CVD and plasma-assisted sputtering), fabrication and analysis of photonic crystals and plasmonic nanostructures, realization and application sensor platforms with the use of microfluidic modules. F.G. he is author / co-author of over 200 papers in international scientific journals (Scopus h-index = 34, Google Scholar h-index = 38), co-inventor of 3 patents concerning advanced optical sensors. He is involved as a national and / or international coordinator in numerous scientific projects with universities, research centers and industries.

Secretary / Treasurer

Angela Riggio

AIV Staff/Segreteria

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Angela Riggio was hired at the CNR’s Plasma Physics Institute of Milan in 1988 with responsibilities on the management of the Secretary Office of the Direction. She joined the association AIV in 2000 as a support to the Secretary and since 2002 with an active role in the organization to the Congress and the workshops held by AIV. She was appointed Secretary and Treasurer in the 2014.

Giuseppe Firpo, born 01/03/1965 in Genoa and residing there, He graduated in Physics in 1992 from the University of Genoa. At the University of Genoa he holds the position of Adjunct Professor for teaching Physics at the Degree Course in Energy Engineering, and EP (High Professionalism) staff where he uses complex instrumentation for manipulation and analysis of matter at the nanometer level: FIB, SEM, X-Ray Microanalysis. Designs and builds vacuum systems for scientific experiments. Recent activity: permeability study of thin polymer membranes for gas separation. He was a founding member of the Nanomed Spin-Off. He obtained the national scientific qualification as a second-rank professor for the scientific field 02/B1 Experimental Physics of Matter. He has authored 62 scientific publications, with 993 citations and h-index 17, authored 6 patents, and several contributions in conference proceedings. He is a reviewer for several scientific journals Elsevier, MDPI, AIP.

Fabrizio Giorgis is Full Professor of Physics of Matter at the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) of the Polytechnic of Turin, where in the recent past he held positions
institutional as Delegate for Research and Technology Transfer; currently he is Deputy Director of DISAT.
F.G. he is currently Italian Councilor IUVSTA (International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications). His research activities consist in the growth and characterization of silicon and carbon based nanostructured materials with physical and chemical-physical methods (in particular CVD and plasma-assisted sputtering), fabrication and analysis of photonic crystals and plasmonic nanostructures, realization and application sensor platforms with the use of microfluidic modules. F.G. he is author / co-author of over 200 papers in international scientific journals (Scopus h-index = 34, Google Scholar h-index = 38), co-inventor of 3 patents concerning advanced optical sensors. He is involved as a national and / or international coordinator in numerous scientific projects with universities, research centers and industries.

Angela Riggio was hired at the CNR’s Plasma Physics Institute of Milan in 1988 with responsibilities on the management of the Secretary Office of the Direction. She joined the association AIV in 2000 as a support to the Secretary and since 2002 with an active role in the organization to the Congress and the workshops held by AIV. She was appointed Secretary and Treasurer in the 2014.


Luciano Scaltrito is Full Professor at Department of Applied Science and Technology – DISAT of Politecnico of Torino. L. Scaltrito leads the research activities managing a research team as senior and young researchers operating at Chilab-ITEM (Interfacing Technologies for Edge Microsystems) of Politecnico of Torino. He is coordinator of several funded projects (European and National) and he is deeply involved in Technological Transfer managing many industrial projects. His experience can count on over 20 years of career dedicated to:
(i) Optoelectronic Devices in Wide Band Gap Materials.
(ii) Integration of Nanostructures into Microsensors or Nanomaterials into polymeric composites.
(iii) Study and optimization of 3D additive printing for integration into industrial manufacturing processes.
(iv) Study and integration of MEMS devices in industrial application contexts.
He is leading away several industries to pursue great benefits from the research.

He is a Scientific Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in Vietnam since September 2015, research director in the roles of the Autonomous Province of Trento, President of IUVSTA in the three-year period 2013 - 2016, AIV President for 4 biennials, Fellow of the AVS and Paul Harris Fellow of Rotari International. He deals with research and development in the fields of analysis and engineering of surfaces, materials and processes for microelectronics, combinatorial materials science, biomaterials and biointerfaces. He is the author of 145 publications in journals with international peer review and holds 3 international patents.

Luciano Scaltrito is Full Professor at Department of Applied Science and Technology – DISAT of Politecnico of Torino. L. Scaltrito leads the research activities managing a research team as senior and young researchers operating at Chilab-ITEM (Interfacing Technologies for Edge Microsystems) of Politecnico of Torino. He is coordinator of several funded projects (European and National) and he is deeply involved in Technological Transfer managing many industrial projects. His experience can count on over 20 years of career dedicated to:
(i) Optoelectronic Devices in Wide Band Gap Materials.
(ii) Integration of Nanostructures into Microsensors or Nanomaterials into polymeric composites.
(iii) Study and optimization of 3D additive printing for integration into industrial manufacturing processes.
(iv) Study and integration of MEMS devices in industrial application contexts.
He is leading away several industries to pursue great benefits from the research.

He is a Scientific Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in Vietnam since September 2015, research director in the roles of the Autonomous Province of Trento, President of IUVSTA in the three-year period 2013 - 2016, AIV President for 4 biennials, Fellow of the AVS and Paul Harris Fellow of Rotari International. He deals with research and development in the fields of analysis and engineering of surfaces, materials and processes for microelectronics, combinatorial materials science, biomaterials and biointerfaces. He is the author of 145 publications in journals with international peer review and holds 3 international patents.

Andrea Lamberti received the PhD degree in Electronic Devices with a thesis entitled “Metal-oxide nanostructures for energy applications” from Politecnico di Torino in 2013. He worked as post-doc researcher at Italian Institute of Technology on the in synthesis and characterization of innovative metal-oxide nanostructured materials and their integration into energy conversion and storage devices.

Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor at Department of Applied Science and Technology in Politecnico di Torino on the study of innovative graphene-based nanostructures, metal-oxide nanomaterials and technological processes for the fabrication of energy harvesting and storage devices. He is author and co-author of more than 80 publications on international peer-reviewed journals, three book chapter and three patents.

He acts as editor for the Journal of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (Hindawi), guest editor for Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (AVS), guest editor for the journal Nanomaterials (MDPI) and He is member of the executive committee of the Italian Association of Science and Technology (AIV).

Andrea Lamberti received the PhD degree in Electronic Devices with a thesis entitled “Metal-oxide nanostructures for energy applications” from Politecnico di Torino in 2013. He worked as post-doc researcher at Italian Institute of Technology on the in synthesis and characterization of innovative metal-oxide nanostructured materials and their integration into energy conversion and storage devices.

Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor at Department of Applied Science and Technology in Politecnico di Torino on the study of innovative graphene-based nanostructures, metal-oxide nanomaterials and technological processes for the fabrication of energy harvesting and storage devices. He is author and co-author of more than 80 publications on international peer-reviewed journals, three book chapter and three patents.

He acts as editor for the Journal of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (Hindawi), guest editor for Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (AVS), guest editor for the journal Nanomaterials (MDPI) and He is member of the executive committee of the Italian Association of Science and Technology (AIV).

He is researcher (from 2001) at IFP-CNR (Institute for Plasma Physics - National Research Council of Italy). His research is focused on low and high pressure plasma processes for the modification of materials. He is expert in radio-frequency plasma sources (MHz) and cold plasma diagnostics. Thesis supervisor for University of Milan and Polytechnic of Milan. He is the Author or co-Author of more than 50 papers on international journals and conference proceedings. He edited one international proceeding and 3 Patents. He has co-ordinated many research contracts in the industrial applications of plasma. He has served member (2004 - today) of the Board of Directors of the Italian Vacuum Society (AIV), vice-president (2009-2012) and President (2013-2015). On an international level, he is part of a group of experts on topic “Plasma Wall Interaction” for future fusion devices, moreover, he his is member of Plasma Science Technique Division of International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Application (IUVSTA) (2007-2010, 2016-2019).

Since 1992 he has been working at the RFX Consortium in Padua as a CNR employee, where he is involved with the technical team in thermonuclear fusion research activities.

He is in charge of the management and implementation of vacuum and gas inlet systems and related diagnostic and acquisition systems as part of the RFX project for the study of plasma physics.

He collaborates in various projects, including the international ITER project within the CNR in Padua, the "SPIDER" and MITICA experiments for the implementation of the vacuum plants, distribution and gas injection and the design of the new DTT facility, in the panorama of controlled thermonuclear fusion carried out in Italy.

He was a board member of the AIV board from 2009 to 2015 and vice president from 2013 to 2015, with the purpose of promoting training courses, study days and congresses for the dissemination of knowledge in science and technology of materials, processes, devices and new technologies.

He is researcher (from 2001) at IFP-CNR (Institute for Plasma Physics - National Research Council of Italy). His research is focused on low and high pressure plasma processes for the modification of materials. He is expert in radio-frequency plasma sources (MHz) and cold plasma diagnostics. Thesis supervisor for University of Milan and Polytechnic of Milan. He is the Author or co-Author of more than 50 papers on international journals and conference proceedings. He edited one international proceeding and 3 Patents. He has co-ordinated many research contracts in the industrial applications of plasma. He has served member (2004 - today) of the Board of Directors of the Italian Vacuum Society (AIV), vice-president (2009-2012) and President (2013-2015). On an international level, he is part of a group of experts on topic “Plasma Wall Interaction” for future fusion devices, moreover, he his is member of Plasma Science Technique Division of International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Application (IUVSTA) (2007-2010, 2016-2019).

Since 1992 he has been working at the RFX Consortium in Padua as a CNR employee, where he is involved with the technical team in thermonuclear fusion research activities.

He is in charge of the management and implementation of vacuum and gas inlet systems and related diagnostic and acquisition systems as part of the RFX project for the study of plasma physics.

He collaborates in various projects, including the international ITER project within the CNR in Padua, the "SPIDER" and MITICA experiments for the implementation of the vacuum plants, distribution and gas injection and the design of the new DTT facility, in the panorama of controlled thermonuclear fusion carried out in Italy.

He was a board member of the AIV board from 2009 to 2015 and vice president from 2013 to 2015, with the purpose of promoting training courses, study days and congresses for the dissemination of knowledge in science and technology of materials, processes, devices and new technologies.

Michele Mura has been in charge of the Development Laboratories of the Vacuum Technology Division of Saes Getters SpA since 2017. Graduated in Physics in 2003 at the University of Turin, he
undertaken and extended his professional career in the field of high and ultra-high vacuum.
For more than ten years he worked at Agilent Technologies, mainly in the R&D, Manufacturing Engineering and Production sectors, gaining solid experience and skills in the field UHV, as well as in production processes and materials technologies.
At SAES he deals with the development of new products, integrated systems and services in the high and ultra-high vacuum branch for the fields of scientific instrumentation, particle accelerators and fusion nuclear. He is also the coordinator of research and development projects and activities focused on analytical systems in the semiconductor, life science and material science fields. It is also responsible for the NEG coating Research and Production Laboratory, where new deposition processes are tested and developed in complex vacuum chambers.
Through his team's research and development projects, he participates in international research programs, particularly aimed at large pumping systems in the field of accelerators.
particles and nuclear fusion. It is constantly interfaced with high-profile public and private organizations specializing in research and technological innovation. During his professional experience, he has been the author of patents, has published as author or co-author several scientific articles in specialized journals and has participated, also as a speaker, in congresses and conferences of the sector.

Michele Mura has been in charge of the Development Laboratories of the Vacuum Technology Division of Saes Getters SpA since 2017. Graduated in Physics in 2003 at the University of Turin, he
undertaken and extended his professional career in the field of high and ultra-high vacuum.
For more than ten years he worked at Agilent Technologies, mainly in the R&D, Manufacturing Engineering and Production sectors, gaining solid experience and skills in the field UHV, as well as in production processes and materials technologies.
At SAES he deals with the development of new products, integrated systems and services in the high and ultra-high vacuum branch for the fields of scientific instrumentation, particle accelerators and fusion nuclear. He is also the coordinator of research and development projects and activities focused on analytical systems in the semiconductor, life science and material science fields. It is also responsible for the NEG coating Research and Production Laboratory, where new deposition processes are tested and developed in complex vacuum chambers.
Through his team's research and development projects, he participates in international research programs, particularly aimed at large pumping systems in the field of accelerators.
particles and nuclear fusion. It is constantly interfaced with high-profile public and private organizations specializing in research and technological innovation. During his professional experience, he has been the author of patents, has published as author or co-author several scientific articles in specialized journals and has participated, also as a speaker, in congresses and conferences of the sector.

Gianluca Melis is a management engineer, trained at the Polytechnic of Turin, where he obtained both the bachelor's and master's degrees. After an interlude in the world of entrepreneurship, with a stint in the startup Smartv srl, where he dealt with marketing for the company's market launch, he decided to devote himself to academic research.
He holds a doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Turin in management and production engineering. Her research involves life-cycle assessments and analysis of materials, mainly polymers, to understand possible commercial opportunities related to recycling processes.
For five years he has been collaborating with AIV, in the position of communication manager, managing the communication part of the association, with reference to the organization of courses, events and conferences.

Maria Miritello is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems within CNR. She received her M.Sc. degree (cum laude) in Physics and PhD degree (cum laude) in Materials Science from University of Catania in 2002 and 2007, respectively. Her research activity is mainly focused on innovative materials for advanced devices in the field of Si photonics, microelectronics, photovoltaics and environment. In particular, she developed the synthesis by physical vapor deposition method to reach a fine control of properties of mainly group IV nanostructures, rare earth-based compounds, phase change materials, transparent conductive and metal oxides. She was involved in the organization and invited speaker at several international conferences, member of editorial board and peer reviewer for scientific journals. She is author of 114 papers on ISI scientific journals, holding an h-index of 28 and about 2500 citations (Scopus, 2024, October).

Gianluca Melis is a management engineer, trained at the Polytechnic of Turin, where he obtained both the bachelor's and master's degrees. After an interlude in the world of entrepreneurship, with a stint in the startup Smartv srl, where he dealt with marketing for the company's market launch, he decided to devote himself to academic research.
He holds a doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Turin in management and production engineering. Her research involves life-cycle assessments and analysis of materials, mainly polymers, to understand possible commercial opportunities related to recycling processes.
For five years he has been collaborating with AIV, in the position of communication manager, managing the communication part of the association, with reference to the organization of courses, events and conferences.

Maria Miritello is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems within CNR. She received her M.Sc. degree (cum laude) in Physics and PhD degree (cum laude) in Materials Science from University of Catania in 2002 and 2007, respectively. Her research activity is mainly focused on innovative materials for advanced devices in the field of Si photonics, microelectronics, photovoltaics and environment. In particular, she developed the synthesis by physical vapor deposition method to reach a fine control of properties of mainly group IV nanostructures, rare earth-based compounds, phase change materials, transparent conductive and metal oxides. She was involved in the organization and invited speaker at several international conferences, member of editorial board and peer reviewer for scientific journals. She is author of 114 papers on ISI scientific journals, holding an h-index of 28 and about 2500 citations (Scopus, 2024, October).

Dr. Valentina Bertana received her BSc and MSc Degree in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in 2013 and 2015 respectively. In February 2020 she received her PhD degree at Politecnico di Torino in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering and in March 2020 she started a post-doc fellowship at the Department of Applied Science and Technology of the same university. Since 2017 she is Teaching Associate for the course Physics I. As concerns research activities, she is involved in different founded Italian and European projects, which are mainly focused on additive manufacturing, smart materials, printable electronics, microfluidics and integrated systems.

Dr. Valentina Bertana received her BSc and MSc Degree in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in 2013 and 2015 respectively. In February 2020 she received her PhD degree at Politecnico di Torino in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering and in March 2020 she started a post-doc fellowship at the Department of Applied Science and Technology of the same university. Since 2017 she is Teaching Associate for the course Physics I. As concerns research activities, she is involved in different founded Italian and European projects, which are mainly focused on additive manufacturing, smart materials, printable electronics, microfluidics and integrated systems.

Honorary members

Salvatore Iannotta
Samuele Dal Bello
Michele Fincato
Mariano Anderle
Luana Angeloni
Davide Bassi
Cristoforo Benvenuti
Mercede Bergoglio
Eros Bolzoni
Giovanni Bonizzoni
Marcello Fontanesi
Glauco Gambetti
Ezio Perego
Emanuele Rimini
Santino Salamone