
May 06 - 09

Environment Park, Torino


Energy Transition and Environmental Sustainability: Materials, Processes and Devices for Research and Industrial Applications

The AIV XXVII Conference approaches the issues associated with materials and processing, in the research and manufacturing communities.
The four-day Conference promotes a multidisciplinary environment to encourage a cross fertilization between attendees on emerging technologies. We cordially invite you to participate to the 27th edition of AIV Conference that will offer the opportunity to present and discuss your recent advances in vacuum science and technology and related fields.

Download the timetable in pdf here.

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Participating Companies

AIV Partner | Microla Optoelectronics
AIV Partner | Agilent
AIV Partner | AC Scientific
AIV Partner | HIDEN
AIV Partner | HS
AIV Partner | 5 Pascal
AIV Partner | Gambetti
AIV Partner | Mori Meccanica
AIV Partner | Saes High Vacuum
AIV Partner | Saes rial vacuum
AIV Partner | FMB Berlin
AIV Partner | CINEL
AIV Partner | KRATOS
AIV Partner | Vaqtec
AIV Partner | Allario
AIV Partner | Pfeiffer
AIV Partner | Varisco
AIV Partner | VAT
AIV Partner | HSR
AIV Partner | Schaefer
AIV Partner | Kenosistec
AIV Partner | Leybold
AIV Partner | Dupont
AIV Partner | Korvus technology
AIV Partner | Sindlhauser
AIV Partner | aiv 27 Kashiyama
AIV Partner | Precisione Fluid
AIV Partner | UHV Design
AIV Partner | Oxford Instruments

Under the patronage of

AIV Partner | Università di Genova


Plenary sessions:

Christian Greco
Museo Egizio, Torino, Italy
The Museo Egizio, two hundred years after its birth
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Roberto Poli, UNESCO Chair in Anticipatory Systems, Department of Sociology and Social  Research, University of Trento (Italy)

Working with the future

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Francisco Garcia Ferrè NewCleo Futurable Energy, Torino
NewCleo’s projects for clean, safe and sustainable energy
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Luciano Bonaria
SPEA, Torino, Italy
  Failure-free electronics: fantasy or reality?
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Surfaces and interfaces play a dominating role in our lives since they separate solid devices from the external world. Applications of surface science and engineering range from chemistry (catalysis and electrochemistry) to electronics (nanosized devices and two dimensional materials) and plasmonics (surface plasmons and surface optical properties) to medicine (biocompatible materials for prostheses). Surface properties are of overwhelming importance for nanosized objects since a relevant fraction of their atoms is exposed at the surface. Evergreen topics in the field include cultural heritage conservation and diagnostics, adhesion, and friction.
The session welcomes contributions on the synthesis of materials with peculiar surface properties, surface modification and functionalization, modeling of fundamental properties of surfaces, and advanced surface characterization techniques. 
Chair: Paolo Ossi, Mario Rocca, Sebastiano Trusso

Erik Vesselli
Department of Physics, University of Trieste (Italy); CNR - Istituto Officina dei Materiali (IOM), Area Science Park, Basovizza, Trieste (Italy); Center for Energy, Environment and Transport Giacomo Ciamician, University of Trieste (Italy).
Ligation and molecular activation at 2D biomimetic functional materialsDownload abstract and cv
Giovanni Mattei
NanoStructures Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Padova (Italy)
Engineered metasurfaces coupled to quantum emitters for enhanced emission and nanolasing
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Nuclear fusion is the process where two lighter atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a tremendous amount of energy. This is the same reaction that powers the sun and other stars. Hydrogen nuclei fusion can be generated using a tokamak machine (magnetic confinement fusion), where the fuel is heated until a plasma is formed, a high-energy state of matter where atoms are fully ionized. The plasma must be heated to temperatures of over 100 million degrees Celsius for fusion to take place. It is apparent from what has been said that making fusion a flexible, clean energy source is not without its challenges, not least the need for breakthroughs in both plasma physics and materials science, along with other complex engineering hurdles. The participants of the session will discuss the main issues related to the development of thermonuclear energy through international scientific research in the framework of the implementation of national and international thermonuclear projects. 
Chair: Samuele Dal Bello, Espedito Vassallo

Rudolf Neu,  
MPI for Plasma Physics, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85737 Garching, Germany
Progress in R&D on Plasma Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Devices
Mario Merola
ITER Organization, 13067 St Paul Lez Durance, France
The ITER Project: Status, New Baseline and Prospects

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The aim of this Session is to share experiences and new ideas on Smart Agrifood Sciences, bringing together scientists from different fields. The concept of circular economy, related to the development of bio-based and green processes will be exploited.
In such framework, digital farming, innovative sensors and detection methods, new mobile and in-field devices, transforming and sustainable food production, nutrition security and sustainable food profiling models will represent the main topics, in an interdisciplinary approach.

Chair: Sergio Ferrero, Fabrizio Giorgis

Marco Arlorio
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences - University of Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”, 28100 Novara (Italy)
Sustainable nutrition between circular economy, new technologies and “novel food” regulation: a challenge for the new generation of food scientistsDownload abstract and cv
Chiara Dall’Asta
Department of Food and Drug, University of Parma, 43124 Parma (Italy)
Horizon Scanning, Omics Methodologies and Data Analysis: How advanced technologies may help in ensuring food safety in circular economy
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Advancements in vacuum technology are driving innovations in measurement techniques, gas analysis, pumping systems, and large-scale applications such as accelerators, interferometers, and vacuum fusion plants. Focus areas include gas flow studies at microscale and low pressures, particularly in low-permeability porous materials for filtration and flow control. New methods for accurately measuring gas permeability and theoretical models based on gas kinetic theory will be presented. Additionally, quantum-based standards for vacuum science, leveraging the redefinition of SI units, will be examined. Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Additive Manufacturing (AM) will also be explored for their potential to enhance vacuum systems and processes

Chair: Giuseppe Firpo, Michele Mura

Irina Grau
IUSTI UMR CNRS 7343, Aix Marseille Université, France
Experimental and numerical characterization of gas flows at microscale and low pressure: applications to gas transport in low permeable porous mediaDownload abstract and cv
Jay H. Hendricks
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg (USA)
NIST on a Chip Program, Quantum-Based Standards for Vacuum Science Technology Innovations and Beyond!
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Roberto Kersevan
Vacuum, Surfaces and Coatings GroupTechnology Department CERN Geneve (GH)

Science and Technology R&D for Innovative Vacuum Systems
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The energy transition is at the forefront of global efforts to combat climate change and achieve sustainable energy systems. This session will explore cutting-edge technologies and innovations in renewable energy production, including solar, wind, and geothermal power, as well as emerging solutions like hydrogen fuel and bioenergy. Focus will also be given to advancements in energy storage, such as next-generation batteries and electrochemical systems, which are critical for balancing intermittent renewable sources. Techniques for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) will be discussed, with particular emphasis on their role in reducing industrial emissions. Additionally, novel methods for electrochemical fixation of CO2 will be examined. The session will highlight the integration of these technologies into systems that aim to reduce overall power consumption, increase energy efficiency, and address the environmental impact of energy production and consumption. 

Chair: Andrea Lamberti, Stefano Lettieri, Maria Miritello, Giulia Mossotti, Luciano Scaltrito

Martin Oschatz
Institute of Technical and Environmental Chemistry and Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Philosophenweg 7a, 07743 Jena (Germany); Helmholtz Institute for Polymers in Energy Applications Jena (HIPOLE Jena), Lessingstraße 12–14, 07743 Jena (Germany)
About the use of the versatile chemistry of nanoporous carbon materials for energy storage and conversionDownload abstract and cv

Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is rapidly expanding its reach across various industries. Its versatility in handling a wide range of materials, from fine powders to viscous liquids and from polymers to metals, enables the fabrication of prototypes at diverse scales. This adaptability has made AM an invaluable tool for rapid prototyping and iterative design processes. Beyond traditional prototyping, AM is increasingly used to create functional prototypes. Additionally, the development of new materials enabled the possibility to produce parts that can actively respond to external stimuli, opening-up new unexplored possibilities. In this context, this session aims at disseminating the most recent advances and the innovations in additive manufacturing and smart fabrication.
Chair: Valentina Bertana, Annalisa Chiappone, Matteo Cocuzza, Ignazio Roppolo, Stefano Stassi

Uwe Scheithauer
 Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Dresden (Germany)
CerAMfacturing - Trends and challenges in the additive manufacturing of ceramic components
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Joanna Ortyl
Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Novel Radical and Cationic Photoinitiators and Their Potential for Developing Innovative Photo-Curable Resins for 3D-Vat Printing of Polymeric Nanocomposites
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This session represents a dissemination event of the Orangees project
The ORANGEES (ORgANics for Green Electrochemical Energy Storage) project activity is aimed at the synthesis, characterization and validation of innovative, eco-sustainable and low-cost materials for application in electrochemical storage (SAE) systems, such as batteries and supercapacitors (SC).

The activities concern the study of both hybrid (inorganic/organic) and purely organic materials, isolating among them those obtained from waste compounds (e.g., Biomass), with the idea of progressively increasing the degree of environmental sustainability of the proposed solutions from which storage technologies will benefit in the medium to long term

Alessandra Di Blasi
ITAE - CNR Messina (Italy)
La ricerca di sistema: Energy storage projects in Italy
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Submit the abstract


Call for abstract

The call for abstracts of the conference are:
Opening November 1, 2024
Deadline March 10, 2025
Feedback on acceptance will be provided to abstract submitters by March 31, 2025.

Corso "Introduzione alla tecnologia del vuoto"

Il giorno 5 maggio si terrà, in italiano, un corso di natura introduttiva alla tecnologia del vuoto.
Si tratteranno i seguenti aspetti:

  1. Definizioni, Proprietà dei Gas e Teoria Cinetica
  2. Regimi di Flusso
  3. Portata, Conduttanza, Velocità di Pompaggio
  4. Produzione e misura del grado Vuoto
  5. Ricerca delle perdite
Il corso potrà eventualmente prevedere un esame finale per il conseguimento dell'attestato di partecipazione.


Scientific Committee


Mariano Anderle (Chair) - AIV, CNR-ISTP


Luciano Scaltrito (Co-chair) - Politecnico di Torino
Valentina Bertana - Politecnico di Torino
Annalisa Chiappone - Università di Cagliari
Matteo Cocuzza - Politecnico di Torino
Samuele Dal Bello -  Consorzio RFX Padova
Sergio Ferrero - Politecnico di Torino
Giuseppe Firpo - Università di Genova
Francesco Fracassi  - Università di Bari
Fabrizio Giorgis  - Politecnico di Torino
Stefano Lettieri - Università di Napoli Federico II
Marco Rossi - Sapienza Università di Roma
Antonella Milella - Università di Bari
Michele Mura - Saes Group
Paolo Ossi - Università di Messina  
Fabrizio Pirri - Politecnico di Torino
Mario Rocca - Università di Genova
Milena Salvo - Politecnico di Torino
Francesca Scaramuzzo - Sapienza Università di Roma
Giorgio Speranza - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Antonio Terrasi - Università di Catania
Sebastiano Trusso - Università di Messina
Espedito Vassallo - CNR-ISTP Milano
Ignazio Roppolo - Politecnico di Torino
Stefano Stassi - Politecnico di Torino

Organizing Committee


Michele Fincato (Chair) -  CNR-ISTP Padova


Gianluca Melis (Co-chair) -  Politecnico di Torino
Angela Riggio - AIV
Valentina Casalegno - Politecnico di Torino
Andrea Lamberti - Politecnico di Torino
Giulia Mossotti - Politecnico di Torino
Enrica Vernè - Politecnico di Torino
Cristina Balagna - Politecnico di Torino

Conference highlights

Environment Park

Environment Park is a Technology Park that has been active for over 20 years on issues related to the environment and sustainability.
Environment Park's vision is to develop and promote environmental sustainability as an engine of competitiveness.
To do so, the mission is to be a reference point for public and private actors engaged in innovation processes for environmental sustainability.
The technology park consists of businesses and laboratories, Conference Center, common services and green areas.
The center is located at Via Andrea Costaguta, 21/A Turin, Italy.

The Environment Park headquarters is located at Via Andrea Costaguta 21/A Turin, not far from the city center. Arrival in Turin is possible by several means:
  1. By air using the “Sandro Pertini” international airport located in Caselle Torinese, 16 km north of the city. From the airport, it is possible to reach Porta Susa station (located in the center and 2.5 km from the congress venue) via both the rail link operated by Trenitalia with trains every half hour and the shuttles operated by the GTT/Sadem transportation company.
  2. In addition to the connections offered by the Turin airport, those at Malpensa and Linate airports can also be considered, as they are easily connected to Milan Central Station, which is only a 50-minute train ride from the city center of Turin.
  3. By rail via the high-speed (AV) lines of Trenitalia and Italo, which connect Turin to the main Italian capitals. In addition to the AV lines, connections with regional lines should also be emphasized.
  4. By bus connection, as the reference station is adjacent to Porta Susa station. Different agencies such as Flixbus, Marino and Itabus operate on this station.
Once in Turin, participants can get around via the public transportation system operated by the GTT company, which includes a network of buses, streetcars and a subway line. Taking Porta Susa station as a reference, it is possible to reach the conference venue in the following ways: by bus with an average journey time of 14 minutes (lines 60, 72, 72/, 46 and 49).By cab in about 8 minutes.On foot for a distance of 2.0 km.

Overnight accommodation

Principi di PiemonteLink
Grand Hotel SiteaLink
Art Hotel OlympicLink
Pacific Hotel FortinoLink
Star ResidenceLink
Hotel NH Torino CentroLink
Turin Palace HotelLink
Starhotels MajesticLink
B&B HOTEL Torino Presidentlink
Housing GiuliaLink
Hotel Dock MilanoLink
Hotel Residence Torino CentroLink

Important Dates

Conference Registration (Early Bird fee):
April 1st 2025
Exhibition Registration (Early Bird fee):
April 1st 2025
Abstract Submission
From November 1st 2024 to March 10 2025
(The template for abstract link)
Those who submit an abstract will be provided feedback on acceptance by March 31, 2025.

Social events & cultural tours

Agilent facility tour
May 6 2025
The AIV Association is pleased to invite you to a guided tour of the Agilent facilities, one of the leading companies in the vacuum sector in Italy. During this exclusive tour, you will have the opportunity to discover the history, innovations, and cutting-edge technologies that have made Agilent a benchmark in the industry. You will be able to admire up close the latest technological solutions developed by Agilent and ask all your questions to our specialized technicians.
The event, which is totally free of charge, will be held on the afternoon of May 6, 2025.
For those who plan to attend, the start will be in front of the conference venue and there will be a shuttle to provide transportation on the round trip.
People interested in the event should expressly write it in the registration form in the notes field.
More information is available in the event poster.

Guided tour of the Egyptian Museum in Turin
May 7 2025
A guided tour of the Egyptian Museum will be organized to discover one of the most famous cultural destinations in Turin, the conference venue city. Through the tour, the connection between the city and the history of Egyptology will be discovered.

Registration as a student does not entitle you to admission to the museum. Those who would like to participate anyway can add an additional fee of 20 € to the registration fee and indicate this in the form.
Social dinner
May 8 2025
A social dinner will be held on the evening of Thursday, May 8, at the Arcadia Restaurant in Turin, right in the middle of the city's historic center.
It will be an opportunity to celebrate the Association and encourage networking among members.
Registration as a student does not entitle you to the social dinner. Those who would like to attend anyway can add an additional charge of 80 € to the registration fee and indicate this in the form.

Registration Fees

Registration and fees
Until 01/04/2025
After 01/04/2025
100 €
200 €
400 €
500 €
Regular + Vacuum course
500 €
600 €
2200 €
2500 €

Go to registration form


Students Regular Regular + Vacuum course Companies
Conference partecipation
Coffee break
Social event (visit to Egyptian museam)
Social dinner
Agilent plant visit

Thank you for signing up
you will receive an email with all the necessary information



The fee will be paid:
Bank transfer to A.I.V. - Associazione Italiana di Scienza e Tecnologia,
C.F 801 75730151, based in Milano - 20121, c/o FAST – P.le Morandi, 2
Banking: Fineco Bank
IBAN: IT90K0301503200000003672954


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